
Mastering Large-Size HTTP Requests in the Modern Web

09:55 - 10:35
HackMD Collaborative Notes

使用網頁上傳檔案並進行處理是很常見的應用場景,不過如果妥善處理,將導致嚴重的效能議題。在本次分享中,將簡述實際案例,並且從了解 large-size request 傳輸流程開始,探討該如何從客戶端和伺服器端進行改善。

  1. A real case: challenges with large-size requests
  2. The journey of a large-size request from the client to the server
  3. Management strategy: client-side
  4. Management strategy: server-side
  5. Lessons learned and best practices

謝雨軒 Cherie Hsieh
Principle SRE Engineer @ TSMC

Gopher. 喜歡研究作業系統、效能改善等議題

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